Kura Sushi (Nijo)

Japan, 〒604-8422 京都市 中京区西ノ京東月光町22
+81 75-803-1561
1100hrs – 0000hrs

After doing some research, we settled for our dinner at Kura Sushi. At ¥100 a plate the branch we visited was located near the JR-Nijo station. While getting to the place was easy, trying to get a seat was another matter all together. Upon arrival, there was already quite a crowd of locals waiting. The outlet has a self-service kiosk for you to get your queue ticket and no surprise, it was only available in Japanese. In between trying to Google Translate the kiosk (thank god for the image translation feature), we managed to push enough buttons to get a queue number from the kiosk. We found a seat at the waiting area and sat down wondering how are we doing to know if our number has been called as the staff was calling out the queue numbers in Japanese. And we weren’t even certain that we got the correct queue number. Soon after, a pair of tourist walked in, and they too after fiddling with the kiosk for a while managed to get a queue number. They approached the staff and there was a staff who was able to converse in basic english who told them that she will call out for them when it is their turn. Taking cue from them, I approached the same staff. After looking lost and showing her my queue ticket, she asked me to take a seat and said that she will call out for me when it is my turn.

It does seem that Kura Sushi has quite a number of foreign customers as when it was our turn to be seated, we were presented with a english instruction sheet on how we should take the plate out from the conveyer belt so as not to spoil the mechanism.

At 100¥ a plate, the sushi served here is way better then what we can get from say Sushi Express back here in Singapore. They are very generous with their portions and we were able to order with the touch screen kiosk at our table as well as taking from the conveyor belt.

After clearing the sushi pieces off our plates, there is this slot where we can return the empty plates for washing. Every five plates that you put through the slot, you will be entitled to a lucky spin where by if you are lucky, a capsule containing your prize will be dispensed from the top of the screen.