Fulong | 福龍

Gongliao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 228

We woke up early to catch our train headed for Fulong. We walked out of our rooms and to our delight, there was a package addressed to us and it was our breakfast. A sandwich and a cup of tea. We took a slow stroll from our hostel towards the train station.

The train station was set in the backdrop of a stunning view from the mountain. What the locals are probably used to were very foreign to us and we were quite excited just looking at the view.

We got some snacks from 7-11 for our journey and it was now that we realised that we got tickets that was not together. Well I sort of panicked little as the journey was not a short one. I approached the ticketing counter and to our disappointment we were told that we can only change the tickets up to one hour prior to the travel timing. She advised us to go onboard the train and to change seat with people on the train instead.

We waited for our train to arrive and we decided to try our luck at car 6. We approached a nice lady who was traveling to Yilan and she agreed to change seat with us!

The journey towards Fulong was quite exciting as we traveled along the Eastern Coast of Taiwan. We managed to catch views of the coast line as we traveled up towards Fulong.

Onboard the train, we also bought our first Railway Bento! Super excited to try it after reading so much about it online. And it was as raved about, very good. The trained stopped by a few stops after Yilan before reaching Fulong and at every stop, we would cross our fingers and hoped that no one would board the train. None boarded and we arrived soon at Fulong Station.

It was quite interesting as we had originally planned to train to Ruifang before traveling down to Jiufen (The standard route that most visitors to Jiufen would take).

But we decided to make a stop at Fulong instead after reading about the Golden Fulong Bus that runs from Ruifang to Fulong.

Fulong is essentially a beach area and there was some sandcastle building event that was going on while we were there. We took a walk around the beach area before heading towards the Fulong Visitors Centre to board the Golden Fulong bus. We bought the day pass at NT$50 which allowed us unlimited rides on the bus.